Which one to choose?
No matter which meat you eat, you can guard yourself against health problems if you eat in moderation.
Red meat is a complete source of protein, iron, zinc, B-vitamins, phosphorus and creatinine, a nitrogen- based organic acid that supplies energy to muscles. Red meat including bison, steak, lamb chops, ostrich, goose and duck is also high in saturated bad fats and cholesterol. Heart disease experts contend that eating leaner cuts of meat, such as loin cuts of red meat and trimming visible fat from meat, are better choices for overall health.
White meat comes from chicken, turkey, veal, pig, sheep and rabbit. In chicken and turkey the white meat comes from the breast area. The dark meat comes from the legs and thighs area of the turkey and chicken. White meat, particularly breast meat, contains less saturated fat and choresterol than red and dark meat.
Choose grass-fed, eco-friendly, organic meats when you can. Store meats on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or freezer to avoid cross-contamination with other foods.
Amount of Protein in Meat
Fish 20-25 grams
Chicken breast 28 grams
Steak (beef T-bone) 25 grams
Steak( beef top round) 36 grams
Lamb 30 grams
Fish is not considered a red or white meat or dairy, but it is a great source of protein.
In your kitchen choose loin cuts of meat, sirloin steak, wich is low in saturated fat, instead of prime rib, skinless chicken and turkey breast. Bake, roast or broil meats to allow the fat to drip off and away.
Ground beef, chicken and turkey are processed meats, so beware of additives, preservatives and hormones in the meat.