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Spring Greek Salad
Spring greek salad is a very quick and easy recipe that is delish! This greek [...]
Organic Palm Heart Salad
Directions Mix all the salad ingredients . To make the dressing mix the lemon, mustard, [...]
Basil Tomato Soup with Mozzarella
Tomatoes, source of antioxidants , rich source of dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins; recommended in [...]
Organic Fava Beans Salad
Organic fava beans are low in fat, rich in beta carotene and supply the [...]
Why Organic Food Keeps you Healthy?
Organic doesn’t mean only you are going to the supermarket and look for food with [...]
Top 10 Foods to Eat Organically
Some conventionally grown foods are treated with more pesticides than others. Some retain more of [...]
10 Foods That Make You Happy
Stress can affect your body and health, unless you learn to manage it. Are [...]
Easter Menu
Easter brings fun, Easter brings Happiness, Easter brings God’s endless blessings, Easter brings love and the [...]