Tag Archives: organic

Organic Palm Heart Salad

Directions Mix all the salad ingredients . To make the dressing mix the lemon, mustard, vinegar and the sugar and drizzle olive oil stirring constantly. Serve the salad with the dressing on the side.

Why Organic Food Keeps you Healthy?

Organic doesn’t mean only you are going to the supermarket and look for food with the labor organic.It means much more: healthy food, health benefits, good nutrition, taste, fresh, gluten free, bio, natural, eco, no chemicals, no antibiotics , grass fed, no hormones, no steroids, less toxic environment for all living things.

Top 10 Foods to Eat Organically

Some conventionally grown foods are treated with more pesticides than others. Some retain more of the pesticides. Here is a list of the top 10 foods containing the most pesticides, according to the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit research group based in Washington, D.C.

Fresh Organic Ginger Tea

Seems like this year the flu season is hitting us bad. Take care of yourself and try this amazing tea that will make you feel like new. It worked for me big time. Get all the ingredients organic if you can and do it yourself home. Organic Ginger has antiviral and antibacterial proprieties that help […]

Pumpkin Soup for Halloween

  Try the very easy organic pumpkin soup recipe for Halloween. You can always add some homemade croutons or same parsley on top for decoration.