Tag Archives: international recipes

Spring Greek Salad

healthy spring

Spring greek salad is a very quick and easy recipe that is delish! This greek salad is great even without any lettuce, getting its satisfying crunch from bright green cucumbers instead.

Organic Palm Heart Salad

Directions Mix all the salad ingredients . To make the dressing mix the lemon, mustard, vinegar and the sugar and drizzle olive oil stirring constantly. Serve the salad with the dressing on the side.

Organic Fava Beans Salad

  Organic fava beans are low in fat, rich in beta carotene and supply the valuable soluble fiber which helps lower cholesterol levels. Fava beans provide good levels of protein, contain minerals and also a source of folic acid and vitamin E.

Irish Apple Barley Pudding

  Little boys and girls love apple and this irish apple barley  pudding dessert allow them to really enjoy it on Patrick’s Day.

“Fall in Love” Tiramisu

  Delicious tiramisu to fall in love with. This special tiramisu is the best gift you can give your loved one for Valentine’s Day, a homemade one that shows your thoughtfulness.