Category Archives: Beat The Cancer Organic Recipes

Fighting cancer recipes, prevent cancer with organic food nutrition

Why Organic Food Keeps you Healthy?

Organic doesn’t mean only you are going to the supermarket and look for food with the labor organic.It means much more: healthy food, health benefits, good nutrition, taste, fresh, gluten free, bio, natural, eco, no chemicals, no antibiotics , grass fed, no hormones, no steroids, less toxic environment for all living things.

10 Foods That Make You Happy

  Stress can affect your body and health, unless you learn to manage it.  Are you stress out at work? Stop using those pills that make you addicted. Foods can calm you down. What you eat can have a profound effect on how you feel and can help reduce the risk of stress and promoting […]

Spicy Smoked Salmon Salad

  Spicy Smoked Salmon Salad is a great source of omega-3 fats, and this particularly hearty and satisfying salad is especially rich in antioxidants, protein and fiber.

Organic Red Lentil Soup

  I think this is my favorite organic red lentil recipe! It’s fresh & vibrant, hearty & comfy, all at the same time. Lentils contain enough protein to be your main dish as well. Eating organic lentil on a regular basis is associated with significantly lower rates of cancer and heart disease.

Berry Ice Cream

berry ice cream

  “Berry Ice Cream” the world itself is the mouth watering and refreshing. What does your favorite ice cream say about you?