Author Archives: My Organic Recipes

Why Organic Food Keeps you Healthy?

Organic doesn’t mean only you are going to the supermarket and look for food with the labor organic.It means much more: healthy food, health benefits, good nutrition, taste, fresh, gluten free, bio, natural, eco, no chemicals, no antibiotics , grass fed, no hormones, no steroids, less toxic environment for all living things.

10 Foods That Make You Happy

  Stress can affect your body and health, unless you learn to manage it.  Are you stress out at work? Stop using those pills that make you addicted. Foods can calm you down. What you eat can have a profound effect on how you feel and can help reduce the risk of stress and promoting […]

“Fall in Love” Tiramisu

  Delicious tiramisu to fall in love with. This special tiramisu is the best gift you can give your loved one for Valentine’s Day, a homemade one that shows your thoughtfulness.

Valentine’s Day Organic Salad

Valentine's Day

  We caught the Valentine’s Day virus. Great salad. I really love the combination of the romaine and beets with pomegranate vinegar.