Organic Strawberry Soup, delicious as a dessert, but equally delectable served as a first course, especially on a hot summer day.
I absolutely LOVE IT!
Serves 6
Organic Ingredients
1 pint of fresh strawberries
1 ½ cups cold water
¼ cup dry red wine
½ cup plain greek yogurt
¼ cup honey
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
sliced berries and mint leaves for garnish
4 ice cubes
fresh mint leaves
Mix the cold water with the wine and add the ice cubes to chill. Pour strawberries into a blender.
Puree the berries. Add the yogurt and the honey and blend lightly until well mixed.
Pour the strawberry mixture into a bowl. Stir in the wine mixture and the ground cloves.
Garnish with yogurt, sliced berries and mint leaves.