Organic Salmon with Soy Sauce

Full flavored dish, easy to prepare healthy and delicious for fish lovers.

Organic Salmon has rich source of beneficial omega-3 fish oil: good for hormonal health, skin, the immune system, bones and teeth.

Serves 3-4


1 pound alaskan wild organic salmon fillet

8 basil leaves, chopped

10 thyme small sprigs, chopped

3 parsley sprigs, chopped

1/3 cup soy sauce

2 teaspoons agave

2 garlic cloves, chopped

¼ teaspoons toasted sesame oil

¼ teaspoon balsamic fig infused vinegar

1 teaspoon fresh ginger (optional)


Wash very well the fish and pat dry.

Mix basil, thyme, parsley, soy sauce, agave, garlic, sesame oil, vinegar, ginger in a blender or food processor .

Spread the soy mixture over the fish evenly in a baking dish.

Marinate the fish in the refrigerator as long as you wants. Ideal is over night, if not 1 hour it is ok.

Preheat the oven to 400F.

Bake the organic salmon for about 15 minutes, or until fish is almost cooked and after broil for 5 minutes.

Serve with sweet corn.

alaskan organic salmon
organic salmon
organic herbs for organic salmon recipe
organic herbs for organic salmon recipe
organic salmon recipe
organic salmon recipes
organic salmon recipes
how to cook organic salmon
how to cook organic salmon
marinade organic salmon
marinade organic salmon
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