Coconut, Almond Pancakes


Coconut flour contains almost double of fiber found in wheat bran and also adding coconut flour to your food intake can reduce your cholesterol levels. Coconut flour contains just as much protein as wheat flour, even though it doesn’t contain the gluten protein.

Here is coconut and almond pancake recipe. Perfect breakfast.

Serves 4


½ cup coconut flour

½ cup almond flour

3 teaspoons sugar (optional)

½ teaspoon salt

1 cup almond milk or organic regular milk

2 tablespoons oil or unsalted butter, melted

3-4 eggs

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

touch of cloves and cinnamon (optional)

For topping: agave and blueberries



In a small bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, cloves and cinnamon, set aside.

Mix milk , oil or butter, eggs and vanilla extract. Add dry ingredients to milk mixture, whisk until are well combined.

Heat a non stick frying pan over low heat. Fold a sheet of paper towel in half, and moisten with oil, carefully rub pan with oiled paper towel.

Spoon 2 tablespoons of batter for each pancake onto the pan. Using the back of the spoon to spread batter into round.

Note: These pancakes are much thicker, feel free to make them thinner using more milk. Be careful when flipping them as they will be more likely to fall apart.

After a few minutes flip the pancakes over and cook them the other side. 

Transfer to a platter and cover with aluminum foil if you would like to keep them warm.


Serve warm with agave and blueberries.

almond pancake pancakes
healthy pancakes breakfast recipes





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