The nutrient density of the shrimp is very high and it is loaded with a variety of vitamins and minerals, helps fight cancer, keeps skin, hair and nails healthy, boosts energy, helps fight depression, helps prevent anemia, keeps thyroid healthy, stabilize blood sugar level, build strong bones. Like you see shrimp has many health- promoting effects, good to add it in our organic recipes.
Serves 4
10 oz raw large shrimp, cleaned
1 big onion , finely chopped
2 tablespoon olive oil
2 garlic cloves, crushed
juice from 1 lemon
1 ½ cup diced tomatoes
1 teaspoon oregano or thyme
1 ½ cup feta cheese
dill to garnish
salt and pepper to taste
fresh black pepper
Preheat the oven to 350 F degrees.
Heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat, add the onion and cook for 5 minutes, add garlic and after add the tomato and cook for 10 -15 minutes, until the mixture has reduced. Place the lemon juice and oregano or thyme over the mixture, salt an pepper and mix.
Into a 3 4 cups ovenproof dish pour half the sauce. Place the shrimp on top, spoon on the sauce and sprinkle feta over the top. Drizzle with olive oil and fresh black pepper .
Bake 20 minutes, or until the shrimp are just cooked. Garnish with dill.
Serve warm.