Miso Soup


Miso Soup is a simple dish to make, but full of immune boosting proprieties.

Miso is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soya beans which protect against cancer.

Miso Soup is used in Japanese households for centuries, where it is often served three times a day with meals and also as a wholesome snack.

Serves 4


1 quart Dashi (water or other stock)

1/3 cup miso, dark or white

¼ pound any tofu, cut into small cubes

¼ cup minced carrot

4 scallions, trimmed and sliced

wakame (seaweeds )


Heat dashi in a saucepan, until bubbles begin to form along its edges. Turn the heat to low, then mix about ½ cup of the dashi with the miso in a bowl and whisk until smooth.

Pour the miso mixture back into the hot dashi, add tofu, carrots and wakame. Stir once or twice and let sit for a minute. Add the scallions and serve.

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